How can you describe a lady like Eleanor Peeples,

The first thing to describe her would be a lady wearing a hat like a steeple,

She loved for 70 years the people of Lower Three Runs Baptist Church,

You could see this beautiful church building from where her birds were on their perch.


She was as kind and sweet and treated all as a friend,

If she ever hurt someone she always tried their heart to mend,

She was so sweet and taught me much that I needed to keep from having strife,

Especially how to treat people and help them with their needs for life.


She lived each day as if Christ was watching her so close,

She would keep for herself the least and give others of her most.

She loved others so much and really loved her friends and all of her kin,

She’d always sacrifice and would not take, but lend.


She never had children of her own, but treated and loved everyone as her child,

If you went to Lower Three Runs she would always greet you with a smile.

She loved everyone and really showed her love to a special man with her smooch,

Some of you may have called him Francis, but he was really Booch.


I know we will miss her and I’m sure she’s better off and waiting on us all,

She is in Heaven with God, Jesus and the rest of God’s children; Big and Small.

One day I pray we all can be there with you to,

Thank you, Eleanor, WE LOVE YOU!


Frederick B. Orr

October 11, 2018


This is a poem I wrote in 2000.  Christ died for me and He died for you!  Why?!!!
WHY HE HAD TO DIE, The answer I did seek,
Why He had to die was because I am so weak.
I try to live a good life and measure up to all,
But soon as Adam sinned I began my dreadful fall.
So two thousand years ago God sent His only Son to earth,
He taught me and healed me and showed me my worth.
He did many things, some I could never see,
He did each thing with an open heart for me.
I bruised His body, pierced His side and hung Him on that tree.
What a painful death He bore from sin, just to set me free.
So I always ask the question, WHY?
Jesus, Why did You love me enough to suffer and to die?
So when He arose and the battle over death He did win,
I knew from then on I’d never fear the wages of my sin.
And when He ascended to glory and joined His
Father in the sky,
I knew He would always Love me and that is the reason
      Frederick B. Orr
April 18, 2000

A Question of Faith

Faith in God is so vitality important.  Solomon says in Proverbs 3:5-6; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

As a pastor I often feel that my faith in God is stronger than the average person; but it isn’t.  I just watched a movie for the third time and I had tears in my heart and eyes the entire time. Satan works harder on the stronger Christians and knows that if he can weaken us, he can weaken the unbeliever.  He can also weaken a pastor and thus can weaken many more.

I pray that every friend of mine will watch the movie named “A Question Of Faith.”  It will bring you closer to God, you will have a stronger Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and gain a stronger understanding of the Holy Spirit in your heart.  America and the world needs this.

Thank you, Jesus, for guiding this movie to me and strengthening my faith.  I Love You! Thanks for loving me at Calvary and having the Grace to save me.  AMEN!