God Made Us Perfect For Each Other

God made you perfect for me as only He could,
He had to work a little to get you just as He should.
I could not ask for more that what He provided me with precious you,
He provided me with a treasure that will last a lifetime, True!

God made me perfect for you as only He could,
He had to work extra hard to make me perfect as He should.
Any problems with me is my fault—definitely not His as He is Seven,
He still has to work on me until I’m perfect which will occur when I enter Heaven.

We are Perfect for each other as only He could refine,
Thank you, Lord for the qualities you made with your Master design.
So daily we must thank Him for the Lovely life He gave.
To the two of us He made, as only He could, a Heart and Soul to Save.

Frederick B. Orr
March 27, 2021